New Windows 10 Mobile Version of CRS™

Nexent Innovations Inc., a globally recognized leader for service management software has released new enhancements to its CRS™ Certificate Retrieval System software for scale dealers. The newly released MobileCRS lets scale dealers and their technicians perform onsite calibrations and enter data directly into Windows 8.1 & 10 tablets in the field. Automatic syncing of certificates from the device reduces the need for technicians to travel to the office daily.

With so many Windows 8.1 & 10 tablets at a wide range of prices to choose from, Nexent chose the Windows platform as it offers the most choice for scale dealers looking for a device to meet their company’s specific needs. Smaller 7-inch Windows 8.1 & 10 tablets, which can be found in many retail outlets for $99 or less, are a great way to take advantage of mobile technology at a very affordable price. Larger Windows tablets, such as the Surface Pro, come with a collection of accessories and features (like detachable keyboards) to satisfy every business’ requirements.

In addition to working with the new tablets, MobileCRS brings new improvements including the ability to sync certificates directly to the device from the field with no need for local docking.

CRS™ eliminates the need to manually create, file, store, retrieve and print scale calibration certificates. Customers can access and print their scale calibration certificates online via a password-protected and secure website.

Committed to providing products that have the best value to streamline scale sales and service operations, Nexent invites scale dealers who are looking for professional service management solutions to visit or call 1-877-263-9368 to discover the benefits of proactive scale service management systems.